Sunday, October 26, 2014

Cast Spotlight: Jeff Carter

Powell Playhouse fans,

Next in our cue of interviews is Jeff Carter! You may have see him in "The Night As My Enemy" as the deceiving Ora Fontaine or in "The Diary of Adam and Eve" as the outrageous Dodo bird! Now, he's portraying the role of Jerry.

Tell us a bit about yourself!
I graduated from the University of TN at Knoxville with a B.A. degree in Geology. I worked for several years in oil and gas exploration and have lived in more than 11 different states. When the oil business went bust in the mid-1980s I returned to Knoxville and worked at various jobs including being an assistant manager in a large camera store. I eventually returned to a career in geology and have spent the last 20 years doing environmental investigations and remediation. I currently work for a consulting firm in Oak Ridge doing environmental cleanups on military bases. I am a voracious reader, and enjoy hiking, photography, and of course theater. My wife and I have two cats (or rather we are the servants of two cats).

What's a fun fact about yourself?
Although not a truly a singer, I love to sing and I often play the autoharp and sing for various functions.

How did you get involved with the Powell Playhouse?
Gina Jones (PPH President/Director) works at the same firm I do in Oak Ridge. She recommended I audition for "The Night Is My Enemy." Ms. Nita cast me as Ora Fontaine in that play and I enjoyed working with this group so much that I always look for another opportunity.

Can you give a brief timeline of your involvement in theatre?
I have always enjoyed play acting but didn't truly get started in theater until the mid-1990's when I was cast as Reverent Mervyn Oglethorp in "Smoke on the Mountain" with a church theater company in Lawrenceville, GA (near Atlanta). A director with the County Seat Players saw me in that show and led to my being cast in "The Matchmaker" (Malachi Stack) and "The Sound of Music" (Herr Zeller). In the late 1990s we moved to Kingsport, TN and I appeared in several productions with the Kingsport Theater Guild and at the Showboat Dinner Theater. When we returned to Knoxville in 2001, I started working with the Erin Players at Erin Presbyterian Church. At Erin I appeared in and directed several shows.

What is your favorite role you have ever played and why?
I have to say it was Uncle Louie in "Lost in Yonkers" at Erin. Louie was the gangster uncle of the two young boys in the play. The role called for a wide range of skills from dark comedy to serious emotion. Plus, I got to do a "Philly Gangster" accent and play with a gun!

What is your favorite show you have been in and why?
Without a doubt it was "G.I. Holiday Jukebox" at Erin. I played a Bing Crosby type character and the play is like a USO show for the troops. I got to sing, dance, do comedy routines, and generally act silly all within the structure of the play. Plus, I worked with some seriously talented singers and musicians and learned a lot about performing.

What is your best (or worst) onstage mishap?
Two occurred in the run of the same show. Doing the farce "Don't Dress for Dinner" at the dinner theater, the stage was at the same level as the first row of tables. During the middle of the play a lady sitting at one of the tables got up and walked on stage to hang her coat on the coat rack that was part of the set. Also, at the last performance of the run we found out 20 minutes before curtain that one of the principle female actors had been in a car accident and was in the hospital. The stage manager (male) agreed to dress in drag and do the part. The producer explained the situation to the audience before we began and it was probably the funniest show of the whole run.

Do you have any funny audition stories?
Auditioning for the role of Captain Von Trapp in "The Sound of Music", I had such a stern reading that I was immediately cast as Herr Zeller, the chief Nazi!

What is your dream role and why?
My dream role would be Professor Harold Hill in "The Music Man". I have always loved the late Robert Preston's take on the traveling con man. I dream of singing "Ya Got Trouble", "...with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for pool!"

Cats or dogs?
Love 'em both, prefer cats.

Paper of plastic?
I should say paper but I prefer plastic for the reusable factor.

If you could sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?
Bob Seger's "Turn the Page." That was my theme song during my wandering early days.

If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only bring three things, what would you bring?
A machete, fishing line/hook, and a chunk of flint.

Thanks, Jeff!

Well, ladies and gentlemen...I have bad news and good news. The bad news is that we have reached the end of our cast interviews. But! The good news is that means we are close to seeing this amazing show performed right in front of our eyes :-D ! I'll be posting exclusive behind the scenes pictures from tech week soon, so stay in touch!

Photo Credit: Nancy Anderson

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